Kreutzer Touristik
Kreutzer Touristik GB Ltd is a travel corporation that supplies touristic distribution services.
Kreutzer Touristik GB Ltd is a private limited company incorporated at 13/1/2016.
Kreutzer Touristik has agreements with business partners:
Suppliers, from which the travel products are purchased;
Customers, through which the travel products are distributed.
The Travel Products includes various touristic activities:
Flights (Charter and Schedule), Hotels, Tour Packages, Excursions, Transfers and additional
touristic services as it is required from time to time.
The tour destinations are spread around the globe.
Kreutzer Touristik is looking to expand its partner base.
If your company is active in the travel business and looking to increase its business, please
contact us and we will be happy to explore possibilities of cooperation between our